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Pest Control: How to Deal with Moles

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Moles can cause serious issues if they start invading your property. They can damage gardens, lawns and even homes with their tunnelling. If you have a mole problem, it is important to take action quickly to get rid of them. This blog post will explain how to deal with moles and get your property back to its former glory.

How do moles damage property?

Moles are small, burrowing mammals that can cause a lot of damage to property. They dig extensive tunnel systems just below the ground's surface which can damage lawns and gardens. In addition, the moles' tunnels can act as drains, causing rainwater to wash away topsoil. As a result, moles can make it difficult for new plants to take root and established plants to thrive. In addition, moles can create trip hazards and undermine the foundations of buildings. If you suspect that you have a mole problem, it is important to contact a pest control specialist to discuss your options.

What are the signs that you have a mole problem?

Moles are small, burrowing animals that have long, cylindrical bodies. These animals are active at night which can make them hard to spot but they often leave behind telltale signs of their presence, such as molehills. Moles also tunnel underground, which can damage the roots of your plants. If you detect any of these things happening on your property, it's essential to take action to control the population. Otherwise, you may find your yard overrun with these unwanted guests.

What is the best way to get rid of moles?

Moles can be a real nuisance in the garden, destroying plant life and leaving unsightly tunnels in their wake. Thankfully, there are several ways to deal with these pesky critters. One of the most common methods is to use traps. There are several types of traps available, including spring-loaded traps and live capture traps. Another popular method is to use poison bait. This method is particularly effective in large areas, as the bait can be placed in strategic locations to lure the moles out of their holes.

If you are experiencing problems with moles on your property, it is best to contact a pest control service. Moles can cause an awful lot of damage to your lawn and garden and can be challenging to get rid of without professional help. The professionals at a pest control service will have the tools and knowledge necessary to get rid of these pesky creatures quickly and effectively. 
